Why Should You Ever Have to Pay for International Calls? | Planet Telecom
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Why Should You Ever Have to Pay for International Calls?

If you have friends, family, colleagues, or clients based overseas, it’s likely you are going to need to make a few phone calls abroad. That much is true! While plenty of people are connecting overseas through video calling apps and instant messengers, there is still nothing quite like a phone call to keep in touch with the people who matter to us. However, a major problem that many people and business owners have been facing over the years is, of course, the threat of international call costs. The fact is, for the longest time, phone networks and package providers have expected their customers and users to pay through the nose just to speak to someone in another country.free international phone calls

On top of this, it is not always clear how much you might have to pay for international calls. While some home phone and mobile networks are getting clearer on this, there are still few reasons why you should have to pay for global calls at all. The world is getting smaller – surely it’s time to embrace free international calls?

Are Free International Calls Even Possible?

Yes! What’s more, you won’t have to run through your phone network or provider to access them. While some networks and services may offer you packages and boosters for you to call abroad with, few will offer you a free service in the modern age. That doesn’t seem right to us. In times like these, the whole world needs to stay connected, and that certainly shouldn’t be something we all have to pay through the nose for.

Free international calls are perfectly easy to achieve through Planet Telecom. We’ve taken it upon ourselves to set up two proxies through which you can connect to international territories and phone users at nothing more than a one-off connection fee. Just as you’d expect from your phone carrier – meaning there is never any chance of you running up high bills on speaking to someone in France, Spain, Australia, Japan, the USA – anywhere within our list of more than 100 covered countries.

If you’re already sick and tired of shelling out for international calling, it’s time to start looking into ways you can make a change. At Planet Telecom, we offer proxies you can call and then add your prefix and number to get through to the people you want to keep in touch with.

How Does This Work in Practice?

While Planet Telecom offers a free proxy service, these numbers operate on 08 number prefixes. This means that, in order for the service to stay truly free, you must make sure your phone provider or mobile network offers 0845/0870 numbers as an inclusive service.

It is not unheard of for mobile networks to include 08 numbers in basic packages and tariffs. A few years ago, calling 08s for free might have been an impossibility. However, things have moved on in the past decade. Many home phone services and networks now let you call 08s without having to pay a further penny.

Therefore, when you call our 08 proxies and add in an international number, you will effectively be calling abroad for free. Simple! What’s more, this is a completely legal and easy way to speak to foreign numbers.

If you can’t see the territory you’d like to call in our list of countries covered, we may be able to support you further with an affordable foreign calling tariff. Simply take a closer look at our alternative services for more details

Why is Calling Abroad Still So Expensive?

It is expensive for customers to generally call international numbers through standard rates and tariffs because it is expensive for networks to process their calls. Therefore, charges, as always, will trickle down to the customers. However, things are changing massively in this regard. You may actually find that there are some UK phone providers and call services which will let you connect and speak to people in other countries for less than you might expect.

It is bizarre, however, that so much money is still expected from people who wish to connect to foreign countries. As more and more of us move overseas and wish to keep in touch with people from afar, it makes sense that we are looking for cheaper, easily-accessible ways to connect to Europe, the US and beyond.

Why Call Abroad For Free?

Why not? Free international calls effectively opens up the world to you. If you are not especially keen on video calling, or prefer to speak to people via the phone, it makes sense to set up a cheap channel through which you can freely talk and catch up for as long as you wish. At Planet Telecom, we want to bring more people together, more often. It’s a shame that so many people feel so cut-off as a result of financial concerns.

Therefore, by calling our international proxies, you can speak to any numbers based abroad for free, providing that your current call package covers 08 numbers. This means that providing you have complete coverage; you won’t have to wait until evenings or weekends to make calls. By default, you can call mobiles or landlines in foreign countries, too. We have placed no restrictions for you to speak to varying lines and numbers in other territories.

We cover more than 100 different countries as part of our free international calls service. Therefore, instead of risking hefty bills from your home phone provider or mobile network, why not use one of our proxies instead?

Calling internationally for free is easy. Simple enter in one of our proxy numbers, the international dialling code for where you wish to call, and the number you want to reach. It really is as easy as that – you can call the other side of the world and never feel the costs.

Worrying about international call charges? Call flexibly to overseas numbers now through a Planet Telecom proxy – and keep in touch with clients, friends, and family members alike.

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