Business Phone FAQs Answered by Planet Telecom
Responses to frequently asked questions
Do I need extra lines or equipment to receive the calls to my new virtual phone number?
No. We’ll connect your new virtual phone number to your existing landline or mobile number; callers will be able to dial either your current phone number or the new virtual one. Whichever they call, you’ll receive the call on the same line and in the same way as normal.
How much do calls cost from an 03, 084 or 0800 number?
This is a question that we’re regularly asked – however, outgoing calls cannot be made via a virtual number, they only carry inbound calls; so you’ll not receive a bill from Planet Telecom for any of your outbound phone calls when you order a virtual phone number from us.
How much does it cost to call an 03 number?
Calls to 0300, 0333, and 0345 numbers cost the same as calls to 01 and 02 numbers.
How much does it cost to call an 0845, 0843 or 0844 number?
From a residential line, calls to 084 numbers cost anything from 1p to 7p per minute, rising in one pence increments, plus your phone providers’ access charge. These numbers cost the same to call, regardless of the time of day or day of week.
And how about the cost of calls to 0870, 0871 and 0872 numbers?
Calling 087 numbers costs between 6p a minute and 13p a minute, plus your phone providers access charge. Again, just like 084 numbers, its difficult to tell the cost to call from the actual number itself. Click here to see our UK phone code lookup and check the price of the number you’re calling.
We take advantage of these different price bands to offer our cheap international calls service, offering cheap phone calls from the UK to all countries around the world.
Can I redirect my number, and is there a fee to do so?
For maximum flexibility you can redirect your number as often as you like and at anytime, instantly, by using the Planet Telecom Call Manager. Redirecting your number is completely free of charge.
What about international callers?
Ofcom request that international carriers make all UK numbers diallable from overseas networks, but it is up to the international carriers to make this possible; therefore we offer no guarantees on this front.
What would happen if Planet Telecom goes out of business? Would I lose my numbers?
Should Planet Telecom cease trading for any reason (we’ve been successfully in business since 1999, and are confident this is unlikely) the liquidators would sell on our service contracts to another telecoms provider. Your numbers would continue to work – you would simply pay another provider for your service.
Questions about cheap international calls?
Please see our ‘cheap calls FAQ‘ pages for common questions we’re asked about making overseas calls.
From 1st July 2015, calls to 084, 087, 09 and 118 numbers will be charged in a new way. The price for calling these numbers will be broken in to two clear parts:
1. An Access Charge – this will be charged by the company you use to make phone calls with
2. A Service Charge – this is the part of the price of the call that goes to the network operator providing the service.
You can read more about these changes on our website, where we’ve provided information about the Access Charges being charged by the various phone companies, or on the Ofcom website.
0800 Numbers: Now free to call from mobiles too
Another change that happened on 1st July 2015 is 0800 numbers have become free to call from mobiles, as they already are from most landlines. This is fantastic news for all consumers, and businesses alike – if people know it’s free to call your business’ 0800 number, all the barriers are removed from dialling these numbers and will result in more new enquiries for your product or service. Why not try one FREE for 30 days from Planet Telecom?