Chinese New Year 2018 | Planet Telecom
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Chinese New Year 2018

Fun facts about the Chinese Year of the Dog

The Chinese Zodiac Year has a different sign each year that repeat every 12 years.  The Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

chinese new year 2018 year of the dog

2018 is year of the Dog, and falls on February 16.

The personality traits of the Dog are: Loyal, honest, amiable, kind, cautious, and prudent

In ancient times, in order to tell the time, people divided one day into twelve 2-hour periods, and designated one animal to represent each period according to each animal’s special time. — Dog hours were 7pm to 9pm.

Chinese New Year is fast approaching, and there couldn’t possibly be a better time to call family and friends in China (or around the world!). It’s easy to be put off by incredibly high call charges, BUT with Planet Telecom’ cheap international calls service, this will no longer be a concern!

We take great pride in bringing families and loved ones together whilst helping them save an absolute fortune; and special occasions such as Chinese New Year are no exception.

We offer various different methods in which you can call China starting at just 2.5p per minute.

For the frequent caller

If you’re going to be making regular calls, we suggest using our online account service. This requires you to make a small prepaid papyment via PayPal, from which call charges will be deducted.  Calls to China are currently priced at just 2.5p/min to a landline and 2.5p/min to a mobile. There is a 5p connection fee for each call.   Compare this to BT who charge a staggering 75p a minute! 

One off calls

Calls to our instant access numbers are charged to you by your usual phone line provider on a pay as you use basis. Simply dial the charges will be added directly to your normal phone bill. Calls to China are currently priced at 3p/min to a landline (plus your phone providers access charge) and 3p/min to a mobile (plus your phone providers access charge).  Just dial 0843 718 7777 before the number in China, starting 00880 as normal.

Do you get calls to 0845 numbers included in your usual phone bill?  If you do, you can call China FREE, by using our 0845 access number: 0845 222 6666.

Find out more about making free and cheap calls to China here


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