How to Make Cheap and Free International Calls to Israel | Planet Telecom
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How to Make Cheap and Free International Calls to Israel

Do you or your loved ones stay in different parts of the world, or do you own a business you wish to expand? If you’re considering growing your company internationally but are concerned about the expenses, getting cheaper or free international calls might be a lifesaver.

Because of technology, you may communicate as if you were in the exact physical location through texts, video calls, or voice calls. However, text may be boring because you don’t get to see the person you are speaking to; what if it’s just a robot replying to you? Besides, not everyone has the technical ability to utilise live chats effectively. It’s also possible that having no access to a computer is an issue at times.

Thanks to Planet Telecom, you can now make International calls from the UK and get the relief of hearing their voice.  In this blog, we shall guide you on how to make a cheap international call to Israel.

Flag of Israel

Make Mobile Calls to Israel for Free

We have been offering cheap calls and free calls to Israel for a long time. However, on July 20, 2022, new telecom regulations were introduced in Israel that has raised the calling rates for Israeli mobiles. With our access number 0845 222 6666, customers could make free calls to Israel landline and mobiles from the UK.

Now, instead of using our 0845 access number to call Israel, simply follow the procedure below to continue calling Israel mobile for free:

  1. Use our 0870 access number

What would you speak about with your loved ones when you get free call time? Maybe you could speak about nature, the experience of living in Israel, politics … the list is of course unlimited. And because Planet Telecom enables you to make free calls to Israel, you can chat to your loved ones without worrying about the cost for each minute.

The fact that neither you nor your calling party will be charged for your international calls is just about the best thing about using Planet Telecom.

Calling is easy because you don’t need to sign up or register; you neither require PINs. Just dial 0870 0477 477 + 00972 + the Israel mobile number to call for free.

Subscribe to an inclusive calls plan, and you can dial our 0870 access number and make your calls to Israel mobiles for free. However, if you are not subscribed to an inclusive plan (such as BT anytime), you can still use this access number to make calls to Israel, but you will be charged just 12p/min, plus your service provider’s access charge.

  1. or sign up to our PrePaid Service

Are you not subscribed to an inclusive calls plan, but you still need to make calls to Israel?

To create a prepay account, follow these easy steps;

  1. Create an account by clicking here.
  2. Register your primary number from which you will be making calls
  3. Make your prepayment using PayPal. The minimum amount you can top up is £5, equivalent to £5 for international calls.
  4. Dial our local rates access number 0161 328 777 to make a call. You don’t need a pin because the system will automatically recognise you.
  5. Use the international dialling code 00972, then dial the number you want to call in Israel.

There’s no monthly subscription costs and there’s no expiry for your unused credit.

So… Why Choose Planet Telecom?

You can make international calls in many ways, but before you choose just any service, you need to compare each provider’s offering and the cost. Using Planet Telecom to make international calls is the most cost-effective option. Additionally, you can enjoy the following benefits;

  • You don’t require an internet connection.
  • No long term contracts
  • You can save money on international calls using your mobile phone or landline.
  • We offer business accounts to organisations.

Finding customers in distant nations can be as simple as doing business with people in your neighbourhood.

  • Including Israel, there are 100s of countries that you can call with Planet Telecom  – check them all out here.

Try Planet Telecom today and stay in touch with your loved ones and business partners for less!

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