Are VoIP Phone Systems Worth The Money? | Planet Telecom
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Are VoIP Phone Systems Worth The Money?

In the modern age, keeping in touch means everything. Not just between family and friends, but also between businesses and clients, and businesses and other businesses. Therefore, while many of us are still relying on old-time telephony and copper line rental, the majority of businesses are actually thinking about the future of communication. But what exactly does that entail? If you’ve already taken a look around Planet Telecom, you’ll know that VoIP is the way forward.

VoIP moves everything to data, as opposed to through traditional telephony. With VoIP, you can set up advanced communications hubs, streamline the way that you connect to and communicate with people and more besides. What’s more, it’s very likely to save you money along the way.

However, some business owners will worry that VoIP phone systems are going to cost them an arm and a leg. It’s true that you should be looking carefully at any costs and charges which roll your way. However, there are actually more than a few reasons why VoIP is going to be worth your budget.

No PSTN Line Rental

A huge factor with VoIP is that there is no line rental, and no fussy extra charges that you would normally face with services such as BT. This is because there’s no line for you to rent. You will be able to pay a regular fee to ensure you have access to data calling, but you will likely save money doing this opposed to setting up with line rental.

If you look at traditional line rental and phone packages, you may wonder quite what you’re getting for your money. Most people and businesses will likely sign up for call packages simply because they seem reasonable. This is not always going to be the case! With VoIP phone systems, you’re going to save yourself a stack of money in the long run.

VoIP Phones Are Flexible

With VoIP, you will of course need to make sure you have VoIP phone systems in place so that you can actively make and take calls. Otherwise, you are going to be in a pretty tricky spot! VoIP phone systems from Planet Telecom are affordable as-is and are built to handle a variety of different demands. VoIP phones have intuitive displays which allow you to manage your comms directly from your phone and unit, meaning that there’s no need for you to fumble around with any extra pieces of equipment.

With traditional telephony, there has always been a risk that you’d need to use separate p[pieces of software and diary management tools to make sure you are on top of your schedule. Thankfully, with leading VoIP phones, you can manage your calls from one simple, intuitive interface. If you take a look at some of the phone systems we have available, you’ll soon find that there are plenty of leading options available for you to take advantage of.

VoIP Calls Are Reliable

With VoIP phone systems, you have next to no chance of missing out on important calls. That’s because data calling is steadfast and is impervious to interference, and what’s more, you will never have to muddle around with dropping calls or bad connections. VoIP runs through superfast broadband, which means you can always be up and running for your customers, clients, and other people in your team.

Think of all the money you might normally waste on making sure you follow up on calls. Think of all the missed opportunities! Not only are you going to waste money by wasting time, you are going to be wasting money by missing out on potential leads. No matter the business or industry you are in, you need to make sure to handle 100% of the calls you take. With traditional telephony, there is never any guarantee you’ll get to hear them all.

VoIP is Future-Proof

A small fee upfront for your VoIP phone system is always worth it for the long term benefits. It’s a known fact that BT will be switching out traditional telephony in the years to come, and that means your business is going to need to start future-proofing itself. Stick with traditional phones and lines too long, and you are going to be at serious risk of falling behind the pack.

VoIP phone systems are well worth the money when it comes to keeping up with corporate pace. You may find that plenty of your rivals already have VoIP in place as standard. It is no longer a niche luxury. Businesses and customers in the modern age demand instant service and a quick turnaround. Are you necessarily going to be able to provide that through traditional phone systems? Maybe not.

No Need to Pay Out For Upgrades

The best thing about VoIP, on the whole, is the fact that you can scale up your business without having to worry about paying through the nose. With traditional telephony, you would normally need to set up extra cables, lines, systems, and packages just to bring a few more employees on board. With VoIP, you can scale up whenever you need to. It is based in the cloud, which means that you can modify your presence whenever you like.

Adding in new phone systems is easy, too. You can even allow team members to connect through your VoIP service on the move. VoIP is a standard which enables you to become more flexible and more fluid as your business grows. There are literally no reasons why staying on traditional phone systems are going to breed the same benefits.

Are you thinking about ways to upgrade your business communications for the better in the New 20s? It’s time to start looking at VoIP. Scalable, flexible, and manageable through suites and advanced collaborative platforms, it’s fast becoming the unified way to keep in touch.

Why not take a look at a few of our VoIP phone systems and services for more details? Call our team or get in touch via email, too, if we can be of any further assistance.

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