Cheap calls to Germany

Make calls to Germany from just 1p a minute. Choose the payment method that’s most convenient for you:


Set up an online prepay account linked to your phone number so you never need a PIN.

Instant Access

Use our instant access numbers — perfect for one-off calls.

Cheap calls to Germany

Call Germany from just 1p a minute

Any Phone

Use any phone, on any landline or mobile network to make super-cheap calls to Germany.


Calls to a landline cost 1p a minute, all day every day, plus 5p connection charge.


Calls to mobiles cost just 2.5p a minute, all day every day, plus 5p connection charge.

Choose the payment route that’s most convenient for you.

Prepay online

If you make lots of international calls, setting up an online account makes perfect sense as you don’t need a PIN.

  1. Create an account by clicking the button below
  2. Register the number(s) you’ll be calling from
  3. Make a prepayment securely via Paypal – minimum £5 - this gives you £5 of international calls. See all our rates
  4. To make a call, dial our local rate access number, 0161 328 7777 Our system will recognise your number, so you don’t need a PIN
  5. Then dial your number in Germany, not forgetting to use the international dialling code: 0049
  6. To top up your account log back into your Planet Telecom account
  7. There are no monthly fees, and there's no expiry date for your unused credit

Calls to Landlines


Calls to Mobiles


Instant access call

Don’t want to pay upfront for your calls? Just use our instant access service. The call charge will appear on your phone bill with our instant access number.

  1. Dial 0843 715 7777 + 0049 + the local number
  2. Works from any UK landline or mobile
  3. No need to register and no PINs to remember
  4. You pay our per minute rate of 1p plus your phone network’s access charge

Calls to Landlines

0843 715 7777 -

(plus your phone provider’s access charge)

Calls to Mobiles

0843 716 7777 -

(plus your phone provider’s access charge)

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Whether you calling to catch up with friends, family, or conducting business, making cheap calls to Germany has never been easier than with Planet Telecom. With costs from just 1p per minute for dialling landlines and 2p per minute for mobiles, we could save you over 98% when compared to BT. Our instant access solution allows you to be on the phone to Germany in less than a minute, no account set up, just dial our access number, add 0049 as the dialling code, and then the local number of the person you’re calling, and you’ll be connected straight away. For more regular calls you can set up an account and be able to use our local rate 0161 number. 

Germany Dialling Codes

Area NameArea Code
Aachen(0049) + 241
Augsburg(0049) + 821
Berlin(0049) + 30
Bielefeld(0049) + 521
Bochum(0049) + 234
Bonn(0049) + 228
Bottrop(0049) + 2041
Braunschweig(0049) + 531
Bremen(0049) + 421
Bremerhaven(0049) + 471
Chemnitz(0049) + 371
Cologne (Köln)(0049) + 221
Cottbus(0049) + 355
Darmstadt(0049) + 6151
Dessau(0049) + 340
Dortmund(0049) + 231
Dresden(0049) + 351
Duisburg(0049) + 203
Düsseldorf(0049) + 211
Eisenach(0049) + 3691
Erfurt(0049) + 361
Essen(0049) + 201
Frankfurt/Main(0049) + 69
Frankfurt/Oder(0049) + 335
Freiburg im-Bresigau(0049) + 761
Gelsenkirchen(0049) + 209
Gera(0049) + 365
Hagen(0049) + 2331
Halle (Saale)(0049) + 345
Hamburg(0049) + 40
Hannover(0049) + 511
Heidelberg(0049) + 6221
Herne(0049) + 2323
Jena(0049) + 3641
Karlsruhe(0049) + 721
Kassel(0049) + 561
Kiel(0049) + 431
Koblenz(0049) + 261
Krefeld(0049) + 2151
Leipzig(0049) + 341
Leverkusen(0049) + 214
Ludwigshafen/Rhein(0049) + 621
Lübeck(0049) + 451
M'gladbach-Rheydt(0049) + 2166
Magdeburg(0049) + 391
Mainz(0049) + 6131
Mannheim(0049) + 621
Mobile(0049) + 15,160-163,17,700
Mobile cont(0049) + 701
Munich(0049) + 89
Mönchengladbach(0049) + 2161
Mülheim/Ruhr(0049) + 208
Münster(0049) + 251
Neuss(0049) + 2131
Nuremberg(0049) + 911
Oberhausen(0049) + 208
Offenbach/Main(0049) + 69
Oldenburg, Oldb(0049) + 441
Osnabrück(0049) + 541
Plauen(0049) + 3741
Potsdam(0049) + 331
Recklinghausen(0049) + 2361
Regensburg(0049) + 941
Remscheid(0049) + 2191
Rostock(0049) + 381
Saarbrücken(0049) + 681
Solingen(0049) + 212
Stralsund(0049) + 3831
Stuttgart(0049) + 711
Suhl(0049) + 3681
Torgau(0049) + 3421
Wiesbaden(0049) + 611
Wilhelmshaven(0049) + 4421
Wuppertal(0049) + 202
Würzburg(0049) + 931
Zeitz(0049) + 3441
Zwickau(0049) + 375

Any calls to Germany using our numbers will be billed by your usual telephone service provider to the account holder for that line. Please obtain permission from that account holder before using our service. Calls are charged from the time you are connected to our service. For a BT line the rates are available on their website, other service providers may charge a higher rate, please contact your service provider for further details. We reserve the right to terminate any call if we consider it is being made unlawfully or fraudulently. The service is subject to availability.

Do you have a web site? Let your visitors know how they can make cheap calls to Germany

Help spread the word about how easy it is to make cheaper calls to Germany (and everywhere else!) by using Planet Telecom, it’s easy and simple - all you need to do is add this ready-made HTML code to one or more of your web pages:

<p>Find out how you can make cheaper calls to Germany from your landline or mobile with Planet Telecom: <a href="">Cheap calls to Germany, click here to find out how!</a></p>
Read the small print

The Small Print

You can use our cheap international calls service if you’re under 18 but please get the bill payers permission first.

We will credit you with calling credit (as per our tariff) and issue a PIN to that value with a UK geographic landline telephone number to access the service.

Calls to the access number 0161 328 7777 will be charged as per your usual mobile or landline price plan to a UK geographical landline, and may be part of your monthly inclusive minutes allowance. Please check with your service provider to confirm this.

Calls are charged by the minute and are subject to a 5p connection charge on all calls (all quoted prices are inclusive of VAT, and apply 24 hours a day, 7 days a week when using the 01 access number). Rates are effective from 12th February 2025 and may be subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to terminate any call if we consider it is being made unlawfully or fraudulently. In this case any outstanding calling credit will be cancelled and will not be refunded. The service is subject to availability. Prices are subject to change without warning. E&OE.